Hi I'm Cédric, and I make videos.

I am a video editor and like to do photography and film in my own time.

Short film school project called “OVERTAKE”

A production that introduced difficulties during filming with limited track time for the drivers and not being able to script anything that happened on track.

The film blew all the other student films away and it received the 1st place prize in our end of year project. Mostly due to its storytelling and impressive production value.

Short film school project called “The 4 Commando’s”

A production that did not reach the desired level of quality in terms of storytelling. However, with very limited experience in After Effects and no experience in Blender it did really deliver on the VFX front. 

Sadly, the storytelling was not 1st place worthy and the film got 3rd place. I learned that storytelling is the key to a successful project and made big leaps in terms of After Effects.

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